Black Barbie "Sui Generis"

Defying societal stereotypes – Fun and Realism wanted :)

Common Sense Dictates.......

ImageI can’t tell you how many times I have started and stopped this pursuit towards becoming a regular blogger.  It certainly feels good when I write; my love of words freely splashed over a virtual ‘page’. So, what’s with the lack of continuity?  Being wrapped up in the “BUSY-ness” that is called my life. 

Being the head of a household, approaching the finish line in terms of child rearing (my oldest will be 20 in a few short months!) and having an incredibly demanding career have all been both rewarding and obstacles in one sense or another.  

Still, my writing has to somehow remain in the forefront. It is my release, my favorite form of expression, my gift.

This time I won’t commit to daily…that would be idealistic.  Weekly…perhaps a bit more realistic.  Feel free to take a peak every now and again. 

All that being said, “Here I go again.”

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May 25, 2012 Posted by | Daily Story | Leave a comment

Perhaps I can give this blog another try.  I have been so busy that attempting to keep up with my writing has become a challenge. However; with the pursuit of a PhD in my sights, perhaps this will be a great way to keep track of my progress and share learnings along the way. Stay tuned!

August 13, 2011 Posted by | Daily Story | , , , | Leave a comment

1-11-11….The Significance of ‘ONE’


One primarily deals with strong will, positivity, pure energy. The number One reflects new beginnings, and purity. The symbolic meaning of number One is further clarified when we understand One represents both kinds of action: physical and mental. This combined with Ones urgency for new beginnings, we begin to see Ones recurring in our lives indicates a time to exert our natural forces, take action, and start a new venture. One encourages us our action will be rewarded in kind.

To begin the New Year, my meditation will be focused on the word ‘ONE’.  It reminds me of each individual in my life; that although I wear multiple hats, I am only one person. That one is harmonious, unifying all the different parts of my life into one balanced, positive center. The universe provides and I plan to be intentional in partaking of all it offers. Stay Tuned for the journey.

January 2, 2011 Posted by | Daily Story | , , , , , | Leave a comment

Speaking of “Being Thankful”

Why Be Thankful?

First, I must say that none of us need one designated day per year to express thanks. I am hoping that everyone will think about how good it feels to give thanks and to receive it and then will share the experience whenever the opportunity presents itself.

Why be Thankful? Well, there are always the obvious reasons like my teenagers, parents and siblings, close friends (both new and old), a home, a career and transportation.  However; I took a few moments today to think about the little things that we don’t often express appreciation for but if lost, would sorely missed.  Those things that we take for granted regularly. 

For instance, I am thankful to have ten fingers available to type this message. I am thankful to be able to appreciate the colors, sights and sounds of the world. I am thankful that my mother raised me to be something more than a domestic woman, not because there is anything wrong with that woman but because there is so much more that a woman can be.  I am thankful for my artistic gifts like writing poetry, stories, songs and the ability to sing.  I am thankful for being blessed with strong intuitive skills. I am thankful that there is food in my refrigerator and pantry, that I am able to breathe on my own and that I can jump up and down, dance, scream and laugh! 🙂

I am thankful that despite the efforts of some, I am still here…still standing…still shaking things up. I am thankful that I AM…because I am like all people, like some people and like no other; all at the same time.  I am thankful to be able to see the world differently than many and to accept and appreciate those who are different from me or than what I am accustomed to.

I am thankful to you for reading this blog and I’d be thankful for any thoughts you would like to share about the things you are thankful for….that you don’t often think about. 🙂

November 25, 2010 Posted by | Daily Story | , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Starting Fresh

Just the other day

As promised, I am starting off the week with a post. I had been cogitating on a topic until it struck me that this would be an ideal moment to reflect on what it means to “start fresh”. 

Why am I thinking about the concept of “starting fresh”? Perhaps it is the desire to continue shedding those elements of my life that are not or have not served me well. Perhaps it is the dream-work being done to launch a consulting firm. Perhaps even, it is the acceptance of unexpected events and learning to accept the things that I cannot change. Perhaps, “starting fresh” means ridding myself of the counter-productive thoughts that at times, lends to procrastination.

The wise words of Albert Einstein have been echoed quite frequently lately….truly… insanity can be defined as “doing what you have always done and expecting different results”.  So, starting fresh would work concurrently changing previous, unsuccessful actions.  Many times, the act of letting go or “ending” an era is necessary to initiate a beginning. This theory is in harmony with the work of William Bridges in the book “Managing Transitions” when he offers a framework for how humans experience change. Namely, there is an Ending, The Neutral Zone and Beginnings.  For example, losing a loved one inevitably evokes a beginning of a life that does not include them (whether life be better or worst).

So, what I am going to do for myself, is to list 2-3 endings that I have experienced within the last 6 months and at least 1 ending that I need to facilitate in order to continue improving my life.  Just thinking about this will force me to keep my eyes on the mirror and the image it reflects.  This exercise may work for you too!!

October 11, 2010 Posted by | Daily Story | , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment